Tom and jerry the movie nostalgia critic by channel awesome. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams youtube. The real hunter adams was so upset with his portrayal in this movie that he actually contacted williams to tell him. Bitiri sathi over youth marriages sathi conversation with sa gage graham highlights 2017. Original youtube videos videos after the site launched. How old was the real patch adams when he ended up in a mental hospital. Rant on the death of patch s nonexisting girlfriend by whovian roxas.
To do this, he bucks authority, dresses up as a clown, and acts silly and on occasion unprofessionally. With doug walker, malcolm ray, rob walker, tamara chambers. Shop nostalgia critic tshirts created by independent artists from around the globe. Anybody who isnt a god damn idiot is going to realize that the patch adams displayed in this movie might not be the patch adams displayed in real life. Cut to stills of garbage pail kids trading cards while the films ending song you can be a garbage pail kid plays in the background. In reality, patch adams endured three different mental hospitalizations when he was much younger, during the time when he was 17 and 18yearsold. The nostalgia critic also known as the critic is a show by doug walker that is named after the character of the same name.
Firstly he started going to way of mtv, hes become the nostalgia critic in name only. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams channel awesome. Flubber is a 1997 american science fiction comedy film directed by les mayfield and written by hughes, based on an earlier screenplay by bill walsh. Quest for camelot nostalgia critic by channel awesome. Robin williams is patch adams a doctor who believes in laughter as medicine and will do just about anything to make his patients laugh even if it means risk. Join facebook to connect with gus webb and others you may know.
Patch adams 110 movie clip he at least listened 1998 hd by movieclips. A rundown of the problems with the nostalgia critic beginning in 2011 and spiraling out of control in 2012. Patch adams is a 1998 american semi biographical comedy film starring robin williams, monica potter. The nostalgia critic and company look at the phantom of the opera. Basically it was the first spiderman 2 movie, and the gag was that doc ocks robot arms were telling him to do bad stuff, really aggressively. Hes not funny, hes obnoxious, he says adventures of sonic the hedgehog, fern gully, independence day, pokemon, sailor. Get youtube premium get youtube tv best of youtube music sports gaming. Directed by tom shadyac and set in the late 1960searly 1970s, it is based on the life story of dr. It is allegedly based on the life of a real man named patch adams, who i have seen on television, where he looks like salvador dalis seedy kid brother. Nostalgia critic tv series 2007 nostalgia critic tv. Newer episodes list of nostalgia critic episodes nc2008 nc2009 nc2010 nc2011 nc2012 nc20 nc2014 nc2015 nc2016 nc2017. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on indiana jones and the temple of doom by channel awesome.
The nostalgia critic 2012 episodes funny tv tropes. In 2008, nostalgia critic moved from youtube to the independent site that guy with the glasses and channel awesome. Youtubes nostalgia critic offers an emergency crash course. Channel awesome youtube doug walker in a recent nostalgia critic video. Doug walker in channel awesome, doug walker, nostalgia critic, videos february 14, 2012 the doctor is in. The real patch adams says he didnt like this movie and. Newer episodes list of nostalgia critic episodes nc2008 nc2009 nc2010 nc2011 nc2012 nc20. Variety joe leydon youtube nostalgia critic see also. By 2009, an increased income from advertising on the new site allowed walker to quit his day job a video that he made to commemorate the occasion also went viral and develop his web persona fulltime. Patch adams 1998 is a very loosely based on a true story film directed by tom shadyac and starring robin williams as hunter patch adams, a medical student who wants to treat people, not just diseases. Theyre so good, interesting, and relateable too because theres always those movies that make us want to tear our hearts out in agony and i think its funny to see doug walker nostalgia critic experience that maybe a little bit exaggeratedly too because it sort of reminds of all of that. Patch adams nostalgia critic on blip, geoff ramsey, gus sorola, epic rap battles of history, nostalgia critic. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams patch. Has this reaction when patch adams is stealing supplies from a hospital.
This movie, as it turns out, was not a correct description of the real patch adams. Youve probably been seeing a lot of feeding america pushed in videos lately we even promoted. The real patch adams says he didnt like this movie and that. Moviechat forums patch adams 1998 discussion nostalgia critic real thoughts on patc. It did, however, bring a great deal more visibility to our project and opened many wonderful doors to new directions for gesundheit to pursue. Along with the 5 second movies, the nostalgia critic is the most popular video series created by walker, as well as one of his first.
But patch wants to make patients feel better in the mental sense as well as the medical sense. He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process and, with the help of friends, he founded the gesundheit institute. Nov 18, 2016 nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams posted by. Garbage pail kids was actually a deck of trading cards that children would pass around. After the, and i cant believe im saying this, smashhit smurfs movie, it only figured to do a sequel with the exact same people. Usually, it involves him on camera critiquing entertainment from the 80s and 90s, although a couple of videos will also target modern. Several years later the movie about my life, patch adams, was released. The fivesecond movies and why you should watch them film. I forgot to share this weeks charity shout out here, my bad. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams by channel awesome. Tv show vlogs are uploaded on an inconsistent schedule, so check the playlists. Patch then proceeds to claim that he is helping people, even if he is acting very arrogant.
Doug walker in channel awesome, doug walker, nostalgia critic real thoughts, videos november 18, 2016 a well meaning comedy turns into a clumsy operation, but how did it happen. New top 5 bestworst every tuesday at 5pm cst new real thoughts or 1st viewing episodes every thursday at 5pm cst. Patch adams 310 movie clip patch earns his nickname 1998 hd. Like him, it worked comically on so many levels, mixing the serious and sacred with the silly and absurd, leading to some of lifes great truths. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams posted by. The downside is, its lame, contrived, not funny, bad for kids, bad for adults, bad for anyone actually, lets make this easier.
If all of these things really happened to him, they should. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams posted a year ago by tmc4 7662. Bitch spasms is a minor villain in the that guy with the glasses world. What are your personal top 5 or 10 best and worst nostalgia. The only official youtube channel for the nostalgia critic and channel awesome. I dont know about my top 5, but patch adams is definitely up there, as someone who was forced to sit through that shitfest i agreed with every single thing doug said and im relieved to know that i wasnt crazy for thinking the exact same way back when i saw it decades ago. The critic rapidfires a list of films that starred robin williams in which he played, just as in this film, a blithe spirit out to put a dent in an inhumane and in a few cases flatout inhuman. But ill tell you one thing, they might be interested to look up the real patch adams after having watched this movie. Hello im the nostalgia critic guy remembered so you dont have to. Patch adams 1998 nostalgia critic season 5 episode 7 hey, whats up guys, my name is charlie. He was the director of my favorite monty python movie life of brian.
The film depicts a midlife patch robin williams staying at a mental hospital. Raven cliff falls on dismal trail, caesars head state park, sc. Classic nostalgia critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. The series initially launched on youtube in july 3, 2007 before moving to walkers own site, that guy with the glasses, then to channel awesome. This brings me to what annoys me most of what the critic has now become. Hi sorry if this kind of post isnt allowed or isnt common. Patch adams 410 movie clip i want to help people 1998 hd by movieclips. A well meaning comedy turns into a clumsy operation, but how did it happen. I thought it would build our hospital but that hasn. Santa goes to make his delivery, even at the cost of his wife and reindeers lives, and wonders if real. The show follows walker as the title character, a bitter and sarcastic critic who. Patch adams full movie 1998 lets join, fullhd moviesseasonepisode here. Oh, nostalgia critic, youre against new forms of medicine and new techniques.
He again plays the compassionate, manic clown that has. During the scene where patch s toys are falling apart and patch is watching in horror as children cry, the critic proceeds to show arthur mocking the children the critic s incredulity at the lengths movie. Patch adams 1998 nostalgia critic season 5 episode 7 hey, whats up guys, my name is charlie, and i like youtube. Also features philip seymour hoffman in a smaller role as patch s. The first 14 episodes were recorded and produced in 2007 and posted on doug walkers youtube page. The nostalgia critic takes a look at the original mask comics. Definitely patch adams, i was forced to watch that piece of shit in high school and dougs thoughts largely echoed my own. Patch adams is a 1998 american semibiographical comedydrama film starring robin williams, monica potter, philip seymour hoffman and bob gunton. Bitiri sathi over youth marriages sathi conversation with sa gage graham highlights 2017 a ferguson tractor by richie kavanagh. From the humble beginnings on youtube, to sitehood and an epic battle between the the nerd and the critic, see how channel awesomes premiere show began.
This is the archive of the nostalgia critic videos from 20072008. Nostalgia critic jungle 2 jungle by leisuresuitrantfiend. We print the highest quality nostalgia critic tshirts on the internet. Will miss the energy, imagination, and joyful madness he gave to the world. The nostalgia critic is a well known comedian that has grown widely throughout youtube, and the internet alone. The tenth section of this decadeold documentation of a live performance by those false prophet floptops of negativland at the house of blues in chicago edited quickly and excreted in the form of 99 vhs tapes by yours truly, the original dv master was discovered and will be dumped on youtube including sections not on the initial vile vhs. Then, when i looked on the internet, patch adams was actually a real person in real life. Patch adams is a 1998 american semibiographical comedy film starring robin williams, monica potter, philip seymour hoffman and bob gunton. But ive had this video i remember from a long time ago stuck in my head and i keep thinking it was in a nostalgia critic video. Nostalgia critic pl patch adams youtube 7 websites for sharing your nostalgic memories of days gone by nostalgic memories of sheffield true north books. The critic contends with both an annoying clown doctor and the robin williams film patch adams, which he found annoying and historically inaccurate for a movie based on a true story. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams channel.
Cup of idiocy dougs old home movies channel awesome. Nostalgia critic real thoughts on patch adams patch adams. Nov 17, 2016 classic nostalgia critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. Nostalgia critic real thoughts1st viewing channel awesome. It was obviously satirizing the cabbage patch kids, but these were quite different. Im against a bad robin williams movie horribly relaying that new form of medicine and new techniques. Cue santa christ appearing, having weathered three. New nostalgia critic episodes every wednesday at 5pm cst. It extracts tears individually by liposuction, without anesthesia. Patch adams 210 movie clip group therapy 1998 hd by movieclips. Patch adams made me want to spray the screen with lysol. Nov 19, 2007 one of that guy with the glasses other streams, nostalgia critic, presents transformers in sound effects alone, which, now i think of it, is pretty much all the movie did as well, so well. Insurrection patch adams ponyo dunston checks in thomas and the magic railroad top 11 nostalgia critic f ups part 3 richie rich jungle 2 jungle old vs.
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